Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Denver criminal defense lawyer / the importance of currency

No, not money. The reason it's important for a Denver criminal defense lawyer to stay on top of stuff is because things change. Murder more or less stays the same. The rules of evidence don't really change that much, and speeding is still going over the speed limit. Where Denver criminal defense lawyers need to do their work is on more complex evidentiary issues in bigger cases, like arson:
Innocence Projects founded to exonerate inmates through DNA testing have begun accepting arson cases, the AP story says. Experts say research is challenging assumptions about how fires spread and what kind of evidence signals arson. One example: Experts used to conclude that hot-burning fires were the result of arson. New research, however, finds no correlation. Another example: A V-shaped pattern on the wall was once thought to be proof of arson. It’s now thought to indicate only where the fire started.
These clues were once tell-tale evidence, considered by experts to be as foolproof in figuring out whether a fire was simply a furnace issue gone bad or murder. And these arson cases are relatively common and almost always murders. The insurance fraud cases do not get innocence project attention. They are also incredibly hard to prove by direct evidence, since anything that was used to start the fire probably burned right up, and the cause of death is always smoke inhalation or burns. That means basically the only evidence available is circumstantial evidence of motive and scientific evidence of whether the fire was started intentionally or not. And even much evidence of motive is likely to be excluded as prejudicial. At any rate, the scientific evidence ends up being an important, and often fatal, component of the trial. That's why it's important to have a Denver criminal defense lawyer who knows the new developments.

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